The Young Entrepreneurs, building the product.
- The Young Entrepreneurs
- The Products in our Portfolio
- How do you get it to your market?
- They are still at school
- Recap
The Young Entrepreneurs
The Young Entrepreneurs. One to a million, we have the stars of the show, Mattia & Finn. They are members of the one to a million project.
We have discussed the goal, our objective is to gain 25 sales per day, we have thought about the business name and fine-tuned the product of what we are going to make.
Finn is to create and design boxing briefs, Mattia is thinking of building a clothing company and also the goal is to sell 25 units per day.
The Products in our Portfolio
The Young Entrepreneurs, Mattia and Finn are keen sportsmen, Finn likes Muay Thai Kick-boxing and Mattia enjoys Swimming. Both their business will be around sports clothing, from swimwear to Gym wear, and also include a creation to wear outside socialising.
Finn general thought right now is to create a piece of clothing/brand of boxing briefs, for any other sportspeople to avoid stale sweat and moisture so reduces sweat and bad body odour.
As they build their business, both Mattia and Finn will be adding products to their product portfolio, Finn is thinking about providing earphones and boxing gloves?
He wants to expand their business so it does everything.
When do you think about sports brands like, Nike, Adidas ASICs he wants to build his business so his products compete with what the top brands are doing, but better?
Mattia is looking to build his product portfolio to include sunglasses, branded socks, luxury shoes, even gloves, just to get the business started.
How do you get it to your market?
Both Finn and Mattia will be selling their products via a website, that has been designed and branded with quality in mind. We have been looking at platforms that will be able to get our products to our customers in a timely manner. We have been looking at, and also as a place where we can protect the little money we have.
The overall strategy is to build the business initially by selling the product first, then efficiently using our money to place the order to create the product and get it shipped speedily and efficiently.
They are still at School…
The Young Entrepreneurs are still at school and this challenge and study are to complement their school work and studies. Therefore, building the business must be done in a cost-efficient manner and also, be automated so the mundane gets done automatically without their input from a logistics perspective.
In the following episodes of the one to a million podcast, we will be speaking about creating the brand, where to source the products and also, how we will be doing market research to ensure our products are needed by our target audience.
There is so much more work to be done, this is just the start. If you enjoy today’s podcast, don’t forget to leave your email address with us and we will keep you informed and up to date about further episodes in the planning stage for building a business and reaching £1 million by the age both men reach twenty years of age.
The project is not just about reaching a financial target of £1million, the lessons and development along the way is also extremely important as we build.
We are building the team to 6 people, we will be focusing on leadership skills, negotiation, presentation mastery, speaking in public, salesmanship and learning about how to become more skilled and more productive to get more done with less time and fewer people.
To Recap
If you want to go fast, they say go on your own, if you want to go further go as a team. The one to a million project we will be building a team and going in a forward direction together. Sure, the young entrepreneurs do not have all the answers right now. It is becoming abundantly clear the two young men have a clear vision and goal in mind and we are heading in the right direction to a million pounds.
If you would like to join the one to a million project, please email to learn more.
This podcast show has been sponsored by where we help entrepreneurs build their business quickly and efficiently with very little financial risk and trial and error.
You learned about:
- The Young Entrepreneurs
- The products in our portfolio
- How do they get it to your market?
- They are still at school…
About Michael
Michael Crane
Entrepreneur, Business Owner, PresenterMichael has built and runs a successful business for the last twenty years. He’s learned many lessons—some of them the hard way—and he’s met and talked with many other businesspeople. He’s sold thousands of products and learnt the one hundred and one things needed to run a thriving business. Now he’s bringing this knowledge and experience to educate, motivate and inspire other entrepreneurs.