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Episode 61 Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts 

by | Apr 25, 2023 | Business Conversations, Podcast | 0 comments

Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts - Episode 61
Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts: Chris is a true achiever, launching three successful businesses and publishing his first book in 2019. Despite his busy schedule, Chris always finds time to be a devoted husband and father of three, an avid golfer, and a beer connoisseur.   

Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts: Chris is a true achiever, launching three successful businesses and publishing his first book in 2019. Despite his busy schedule, Chris always finds time to be a devoted husband and father of three, an avid golfer, and a beer connoisseur.   

He’s also a passionate cook, although he admits his skills in the kitchen are a work in progress. Chris believes in living life to the fullest, which means cherishing his relationships with family, friends, and the wider community.   

His humility and drive to succeed are an inspiration, and his story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and ambition. We’re thrilled to have him on the show and wish him all the luck in the world!  


What inspired Chris to become a marketing professional?  

During his high school years, Chris sought guidance on which career path to pursue. His guidance counsellor suggested the marketing field, which piqued his interest, despite having no prior knowledge of what it entailed.  

She explained that he could work in the school store, selling cookies and candy during lunch hours, which intrigued him. As someone hailing from a small town, he was fortunate enough to visit New York City and discover more about the digital marketing industry, which sparked his interest further. 

This was way back in the early 2000s before social media and digital marketing had even become popular.  

The problem with sales and marketing is that salespeople want to sell.  

One of the most common issues with sales and marketing is that salespeople focus solely on selling. While this is certainly an essential aspect of their job, it can become problematic when this focus carries over to social media and online platforms. If your primary focus is sales, people will likely tune you out.   

After all, who enjoys advertisements or being sold to? The truth is, very few people do. If all you do is promote and talk about your products and services, you’ll not only fail to gain followers but also lose the ones you already have.   

This is because social media is meant to be a social platform. People want to connect with you and your company, not simply be sold to. By adding value to their newsfeed, however, you’ll not only keep your followers engaged, but you’ll also attract new ones.  

What would you do if you had to start from scratch?  

To effectively grow your business, developing a simple strategy is important. Start by setting two or three clear goals, such as increasing sales or gaining a certain number of followers. Consider building an email list as well, as it provides a valuable way to maintain top-of-mind awareness with customers who may not be active on social media.  

Additionally, remarketing to existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.  

To identify your audience, be intentional and gather data on your customers. For example, if you run a brick-and-mortar boutique, focus on ways to drive foot traffic into your store. By implementing these tactics, you can steadily grow your business and better connect with your target audience.  

The email list is the foundation of any business  

As a new business, it’s essential to leverage social media to remind people that you have an email subscription available. But it’s not just about having an email subscription. It’s about giving people a compelling reason to subscribe. This is where exclusivity comes into play.   

By offering content or promotions only available to your email subscribers, you create a sense of value and exclusivity that can help drive more sign-ups. To streamline your email marketing efforts, consider using tools like Zapier.   

This free integration tool allows you to connect different platforms, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, making it easier to manage your email list and automate certain tasks.   

With so many resources available, there’s no reason why you can’t make your life as an entrepreneur easier and more efficient.  

To Recap: Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts 

Chris is a well-rounded individual with a strong work ethic and a passion for both his career and personal pursuits. His success in launching businesses and publishing a book is a testament to his dedication and entrepreneurial spirit.   

Despite his busy schedule, he remains committed to his family and hobbies and maintains a healthy work-life balance. Chris’s approach to marketing, focusing on building relationships rather than solely on selling, is a refreshing perspective in the industry.   

As he continues to grow and evolve in his career, it is clear that he will continue to make a positive impact in the marketing world.  

Hear Chris’s Podcast Here  

Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts – You learned about

  • What inspired Chris to become a marketing professional?  
  • What would you do if you had to start from scratch?  
  • The email list is the foundation of any business

About Michael

Michael Crane Live Podcast

Michael Crane

Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Presenter

Michael has built and runs a successful business for the last twenty years. He’s learned many lessons—some of them the hard way—and he’s met and talked with many other businesspeople. He’s sold thousands of products and learnt the one hundred and one things needed to run a thriving business. Now he’s bringing this knowledge and experience to educate, motivate and inspire other entrepreneurs.

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25 April 2023 · Season 1 : Business Conversations · Episode 61

By Michael Crane

Why Focusing Solely on Sales Could be Killing Your Marketing Efforts: Chris is a true achiever, launching three successful businesses and publishing his first book in 2019. Despite his busy schedule, Chris always finds time to be a devoted husband and father of three, an avid golfer, and a beer connoisseur.    A Podcast By Michael Crane Live.